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The Mission of the Franciscan Federation is to promote exploration and study of Franciscan Evangelical Life and its implications for these times and for our world. The Federation provides national and regional opportunities to collaborate, gather, and celebrate so that vowed religious and their associates, secular Franciscans, lay Franciscans, and all who seek to live out the Franciscan movement in today’s world can better live the Franciscan call to conversion, contemplation, poverty, and humility.

four women standing posing for a photo.
Jeanne Connolly (Wheaton Associate), Maria Brizuella, OSF (Franciscan Sister of the Sacred Heart), Krista Clements (FSPA Associate), Sara P. Marks (Aston Companion).

The Franciscan Federation, which serves the broader Franciscan family, is built on the foundation of the Third Order Regular Franciscan Brothers and Sisters of the United States.

“Inspired by the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, the members of the Third Order Regular set forth to follow Jesus Christ by living in fraternal communion, by professing the observance of the evangelical counsels of obedience, poverty and chastity in public vows, and by giving themselves to innumerable expressions of apostolic activity.  To actualize in the best way possible their chosen way of life, they dedicate themselves unreservedly to prayer, strive to grow in fraternal love, live true penance and cultivate Christian self-denial.”

Given at Rome, at Saint Peter’s under the ring of the Fisherman, on the 8th day of December, 1982, the fifth day of our pontificate by  John Paul II as a Perpetual Memorial.