The Franciscan Federation has become a catalyst in bringing together the wisdom and traditions of the Third Order Regular membership and the energy and contemporary practices of the modern day followers of Francis and Clare. We welcome all of the First, Second and Secular Franciscan orders, in their diversity and in their sensitivity to their particular charisms, to walk with us, in whatever ways that foster unity and communion, in the local, national and global contexts. Continuously enriched by the communion we experience and promote with all members of the Franciscan family, we seek, at this moment in the United States, to direct our attention also to our associates, lay Franciscans, and all who seek to live out a Franciscan life. This movement will involve the humility of being open to the Spirit and the ideas of others.

The Transformation Taskforce
The Transformation Taskforce (TTF) guided this evolving process from an organizational and structural perspective. It is the TTF who has made formal recommendations to the governing body of the Federation to move more fully into a new era in which vowed, secular, and lay Franciscans work together. The Transformation Taskforce officially concluded their work in December of 2022 submitting their final report to the National Board who will now take the recommendations and move forward with the Convocation of Canonical Leaders.
Transformation Taskforce Members
- Chair, Margaret Carney, OSF
- Board Liaison, Kathleen Warren, OSF
- Deborah Lockwood, OSF
- Brian Terry, SA
- Patricia George, OSF
- Damian Novello, OSF
ELFO and The Emergent Group
In 2019 the Federation brought together Executive Leaders of Franciscan Organizations (ELFO) to explore cross-organizational collaborations. In 2020, the Emergent Group joined ELFO in an effort to inform Federation leadership in the ongoing transformation process through providing a fresh and unfolding perspective. The Emergent Group, consisting of a variety of people who identify as Franciscan, held space for the emergence of a new direction. At the Annual Franciscan Conference (AFC) 2021, both ELFO and the Emergent Group presented their findings and recommendations. Their efforts, along with the leadership of the staff and National Board, brought the Federation to where we are today.
ELFO Members
- Franciscan Federation-Eunice Park, Convener
- Commission on Franciscan Intellectual-Spiritual Tradition (CFIT)-Darleen Pryds
- Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities (AFCU)-Debi Haug
- Franciscan Action Network (FAN)-Michele Dunne, OFS
- Franciscans International-James Donegan, OFMCap
- Franciscan Media-Matt Halbach
- Franciscan Mission Service-Maggie Conley
- Franciscan Pilgrimage Program-John Cella, OFM
- Secular Franciscan Order-Layna Maher, OFS