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Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity

Funding Opportunity for Ministries of Franciscan Women Religious

Grant funding opportunity from the Sisters of St. Francis – Sacred Heart Charitable Fund. To be eligible, the grant-seeking organization must meet the following criteria: 1) It is sponsored by an order of Franciscan women religious in the United States; 2) It has been a 501(c)3 for at least two years; 3) The purpose of the grant is for peace and justice, education, or earth care. Continue Reading Funding Opportunity for Ministries of Franciscan Women Religious

Funding Opportunity for Ministries of Franciscan Women Religious

The Sisters of St. Francis – Sacred Heart Charitable Fund is now taking applications for its September 1, 2022 deadline. Eligibility To be eligible, the grant-seeking organization must meet the following criteria: It is sponsored by an order of Franciscan women religious in the United States. (One application per province/congregation, please). It… Continue Reading Funding Opportunity for Ministries of Franciscan Women Religious