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Custodians of the Tradition: Christ, Word of God and Exemplar of Humanity

The Roots of Franciscan Christocentrism and Its Implications for Today. Responding to the need for shorter articles for use in the classroom or in adult education groups, this series of CFIT publications provides four-page synopses of important articles by noted scholars on key elements of the Franciscan tradition. Continue Reading Custodians of the Tradition: Christ, Word of God and Exemplar of Humanity

Custodians of the Tradition: Selected Writings – Christ through the Eyes of Francis and Clare

Franciscan spirituality and theology has long taken an approach that finds its creative insights from the spirituality of St. Francis and St. Clare. Their spirituality led the great theologians of the Franciscan movement to develop a style that has a number of distinctive traits. This is particularly true in the area of Christology. Continue Reading Custodians of the Tradition: Selected Writings – Christ through the Eyes of Francis and Clare