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Franciscan Federation

Announcing The Damiano: The Brand New Newsletter of the Franciscan Federation

The National Office is excited to announce the brand new newsletter of the Franciscan Federation. The Damiano will be published 6 times a year: January, March, May, Summer, September, November and can be accessed from the Newsletter tab on the website menu, where you can also sign up to receive… Continue Reading Announcing The Damiano: The Brand New Newsletter of the Franciscan Federation

May 2024

From the National Office A photo of our staff in front of the statue of St. Francis at San Damiano Retreat Center, where we had our special Evening of Storytelling event on April 27th. We had a fantastic turnout! The beautiful Fireside Lounge was full as the evening began, with… Continue Reading May 2024

The Damiano: March 2024

From the Desk of the Executive Director We are excited to launch the new newsletter of the Franciscan Federation; The Damiano! Leaning into our Franciscan origin story, The Damiano represents the continuation of the Franciscan story as we embrace change, expand our membership, and collaborate cross-organizationally. The Damiano will be… Continue Reading The Damiano: March 2024