Registration is now closed for the Franciscan Federation Member Forum via Zoom on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 1pm to 4pm ET | noon to 3pm CT | 11am to 2pm MT | 10am to 1pm PT.
This event is FREE for all members of the Franciscan Federation! Everyone who is interested is also welcome for a fee.
Sr. Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ will give our keynote. Her talk, “Attending to the Seeds of a Franciscan Future” will address themes pertinent to us today: What are the seeds of a truly Franciscan renewal of the world? In response to the recent Synod, what Franciscan pathway do we see opening before us? What seeds are sprouting? What is ours to do?
The purpose of the special gathering is to celebrate and inspire all of us as we move forward in these days of new beginnings, transitions, and a renewal of our charism. This special event is the culmination of our Year of Listening and Learning and will celebrate the Franciscan Federation’s transformation process. Our time together will be one of sharing what the Federation has learned and accomplished and of insight and inspiration for shared leadership as Federation members strive to lead an ever-evolving way of life inspired by the Third Order Regular, St. Francis, St. Clare, and the early lay penitents of Assisi. It will be a time to meet the new board members and to express our deepest gratitude to members of the board departing after years of faithful service.
This special event is free to all current members thanks to the generosity of our sponsors:
Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ was formerly Professor of Philosophical Theology at the Franciscan School of Theology and currently serves as the Congregational Leader for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. She has published and lectured widely on her specialties of Franciscan Intellectual Tradition and John Duns Scotus. She is the author of many books including Rejoicing in the Works of the Lord Beauty in the Franciscan Tradition and Scotus for Dunces: An Introduction to the Subtle Doctor.
Remember: If your Canonical Congregation is a member of the Franciscan Federation, then every vowed member of your community enjoys all membership benefits. Likewise, if your Community of Associates (Affiliates, Companions, Cojourners, etc.) has joined the Federation, every member of your community also enjoys membership benefits. For more information on membership click here.
All are welcome!
Registration Cost:
FREE for members who are current in their membership dues
$50 per person for members who are not current in their dues OR for non-members
To renew your membership OR to become a member and receive the member discount, click here and complete your membership renewal/registration PRIOR to registering for this event.
So looking forward to this presentation later this month. I have enjoyed many of Sr. Mary Beth’s presentations in the past…
Thank you for this opportunity.
Thank you for your note. Registration is now closed for the Member Forum. However, we did include you on the list. You should have received an email with a link by now. Looking forward to have you join us. Thank you.
So looking forward to this presentation later this month. I have enjoyed many of Sr. Mary Beth’s presentations in the past…
Thank you for this opportunity.
Hello, Sister Ann, thank you for your kind words and feedback. We look forward to hosting you tomorrow.
Will this be livestreamed and available for later viewing?
Hi Ruth, this is a gathering on Zoom, not a livestream, it will be recorded and available for members to view.
I would like to register for this Saturday Franciscan Federation Member Forum via Zoom on Saturday, January 25, 2025.
Thank you,
Mary Schutz
Hello, Mary,
Thank you for your note. Registration is now closed for the Member Forum. However, we did include you on the list. You should have received an email with a link by now. Looking forward to have you join us. Thank you.
Thanks for offering this presentation.
I am so very sorry to miss this outstanding event due to a commitment I cannot change. Will we be able to view this later?
Hello, Norma. Sorry to hear that you will not be able to join us. We will record the event and post it on our website by the end of next week.