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Membership Renewal

Thank you to all who have reached out concerning membership renewals. Membership renewal letters will be sent out soon, the National Office is working diligently to implement an online payment process that we hope will make the renewal process flow smoothly. There will still be an option for checks to… Continue Reading Membership Renewal

Feast Day Reflection

On this Feast of St. Francis, 2022, I wish peace and all good upon you. As Franciscans around the world move into this feast day with joy in our hearts, I cannot help but reflect upon the brokenness of our world—the war in Ukraine, the challenges of inflation on those… Continue Reading Feast Day Reflection

A Message from the Franciscan Centenary Committee of the Franciscan Family

Thematic/Charismatic Nuclei for the celebration of the Franciscan Centenary 2023-2026 The Franciscan Centenary Committee of the Franciscan Family released a letter in August 2022 calling the entire Franciscan Family to journey together in celebration of each of the stages of the Centenary: in 2023 the Rule and Christmas of Greccio,… Continue Reading A Message from the Franciscan Centenary Committee of the Franciscan Family

Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamburg, NY welcome their new Congregational Leadership Team

On September 8, 2022, at a private ceremony at St. Francis Park in Hamburg, NY, the Sisters of St. Francis of St. Joseph formally installed their new congregational leadership team. The Federation wishes to extend our prayers and warm wishes during this time of transition. We welcome Sister Marcia Ann… Continue Reading Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamburg, NY welcome their new Congregational Leadership Team

Official Launch of the New Franciscan Federation Website

The Franciscan Federation is very excited to announce the launch of our brand new website! The Federation expresses our profound gratitude to Blustery Day Design who worked with us to accomplish this goal. The new website allows for the Federation to expand our collaborative possibilities with our members and partnering… Continue Reading Official Launch of the New Franciscan Federation Website

Funding Opportunity for Ministries of Franciscan Women Religious

The Sisters of St. Francis – Sacred Heart Charitable Fund is now taking applications for its September 1, 2022 deadline. Eligibility To be eligible, the grant-seeking organization must meet the following criteria: It is sponsored by an order of Franciscan women religious in the United States. (One application per province/congregation, please). It… Continue Reading Funding Opportunity for Ministries of Franciscan Women Religious

JPIC 2022-2023 Resolution

Statement of Resolution We, the members of the Franciscan Federation, renounce the egregious sin of environmental racism that exists in the United States and globally. We recognize the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on people of color and are called to work for environmental justice. Rationale Most of us heard… Continue Reading JPIC 2022-2023 Resolution

JPIC 2021-2022 Resolution

Statement of Resolution We, the members of the Franciscan Federation, renounce the sin of racism and recognize our complicity. We are deeply troubled by the acts of hate, discrimination, inequity, oppression. We recognize our call to be peacemakers, transforming the difficulties, tragedies and acts of violence into peace. Rationale Saint… Continue Reading JPIC 2021-2022 Resolution